Monday, May 7, 2012

The Choice: May Checklist for Seniors

Counselor’s Calendar | May Checklist for Seniors

In March, The Choice introduced an occasional series called Counselor’s Calendar, which is intended to guide students as they go through the admissions process.
This installment focuses on college-bound seniors, who must finalize their college choices today. (Don’t worry, juniors. Your checklist is coming on Wednesday.) We’ve asked Steve Frappier, the director of college counseling at Ransom Everglades School in Coconut Grove, Fla., for some timely advice on what seniors should be doing in May as they prepare for college. —Tanya Caldwell
Seniors, here is your college admissions checklist for May:

Finish Strong
You are almost there, and we are as excited as you are! Before the silly string flies and the confetti pops out of the can, focus on a strong finish. The reset button will be pressed on graduation day, and you must soon prove yourself with a whole new cast of faculty. How you finish now — in terms of positive academic momentum and in healthy decision-making — will be the best way to test your readiness for freshman year. How you end senior year is also how you will be remembered among your peers and among your faculty members. Be smart, in every sense of the word.

Say “No Thank You”
Follow up with the schools that have admitted you, by or as close to May 1 as you can, to say that you have decided to enroll elsewhere. A simple e-mail is sufficient, to the general admissions address or to your admissions representative. For some students, these follow-up notes feel awkward, but you have been “invited to the party,” so the least you can do is send a simple R.S.V.P. that you cannot attend. Declining the offer of admission is also a courtesy to the students on wait lists.

Say “Thank You”
You have been helped along the way in your college process. Find the time to express gratitude to your teachers, counselors, coaches, advisers, and relatives. Pick the means of communication that suits your style — whether it’s a face-to-face conversation, an e-mail, a phone call, or a card — and let them know how they have been a positive resource for you.

Assess Any Wait List Options
Previous articles have addressed how to navigate the wait list process with a sense of realism. It is alright if your interest level for a wait list school “cools off” after placing your deposit elsewhere on May 1. Look within and determine if you want to pursue any wait list offers. Write to any colleges to de-register from the waitlist, if your plans have finalized; continue to remain in touch with the school that you wish to pursue.

Read the Instructions
Your university’s Orientation and Residential Life offices will remain in touch throughout the summer. You will receive a lot of information — from detailed move-in day instructions to how to set up a bank account and more — and you actually have to read it! Keep a folder with all of this information, including a list of helpful campus phone numbers.

Look for More Scholarships
Many third-party scholarships are still available, and various Web sites and search engines can point you to these resources. Many of these scholarship providers might ask for essays that you have already written, and the end result could be money that could offset the cost of travel, books, or tuition. If you are receiving need-based financial aid, check with your university on its policy regarding third-party scholarships, because your award might be adjusted.

Know Your Testing Codes
Every summer, students will call because they have misplaced their Advanced Placement student codes from the past year or two years, and their class registration is stalled. Sorry, your college counselors are on vacation! Sooner than later, make a plan for how your university will receive your Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Cambridge University exam results. Division I and Division II athletes, don’t forget that the N.C.A.A. also needs your SAT or ACT scores.

Find a Summer Plan
Many students have carried the frame of mind of “I should do this for college” with regard to summer activities. Now that you are accepted, you should still consider doing something enriching, whether it’s traveling, summer classes, new and rediscovered hobbies, or work. If you are seeking a summer job, the early bird gets the worm, and if you wait for mid-June, a lot of summertime staffs are already set. So take that spiffy résumé and hit the street now!

Pass the Torch
Leave a positive legacy by showing your sponsors and peers that you care for the sustainability of your extracurricular activities. Jot down some helpful tips for the underclassmen around you. They will certainly appreciate the advice! Be a role model in showing that your activities are not just lines on a résumé, but a part of you.

Pat Yourself on the Back
You did it! Whether your college process was a dream or a roller coaster, take pride in your achievements as you look forward to the exciting adventure that awaits you, with new classes, new experiences, and new friendships. I think of the senior T-shirts that are so prevalent around campus: “You know you want to be 1 2!” We kind of do. Congratulations, class of 2012!

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